This weekend, Michael Ferguson and myself, we invited a bunch of brave and wonderful people to a party, including their felt sense of what is at this particular point in their life. In the invitation we said "all looks and emotional states welcome." This is what happened.

In my house I have a sign saying, “Get the wine, we need to talk about emotions.” While this is funny, and one is tempted to start laughing, the truth behind the words is a rather sad one. We often do not want to feel our unpleasant emotions, and tend to numb ourselves when difficult emotions hit. Thus, in today’s world, talking about how we feel is not very popular, especially not at work (as is drinking alcohol at work, may be that’s why we do not talk emotions @work either). Just joking...
But even if we are not used to talking emotions, we all do have emotions. And they are like kids, if you look away and ignore them, over time, they are getting louder. And to make it even worse: from our subconscious, they are the main driver for our actions. Hence, the bad news is: for most of us it takes courage to face our emotions, especially if they are unpleasant.
However, here is the good news: There are ways, to calm our heads and hearts, to be better able to process how we are feeling and to enable us to drive conscious and healthy action. There are techniques, that help us with it. This weekend, Michael Ferguson and myself, we made room for such a process and invited a bunch of wonderful people to a party, including their felt sense of what is.
We were people from different countries, cultures, professions, and religious and spiritual backgrounds. Some happy and healthy, others suffering from illness or unfortunate life events, facing new challenges or even facing war. In the invitation we explicitly said: “All looks and emotional states welcome.” And that is what we practiced.
I am still savouring all the wonderful people, our talks, our laughing together, our crying together, our making music and singing together, how we enjoyed the healthy and delicious food, how we were meditating together and making new friends. One thing is certain: For a long time, I will remember this special time we spent together.
Some of us were experienced meditators, for others it was a new experience. But in the end, everybody said, they hade a wonderful time and they loved the open, warm and welcoming atmosphere.
Hence, this is the reward, this is what we get, if we come into stillness with a focused mind and an open heart: We feel connected, with ourselves (I call it “coming home”) and with other people and the world. To me, there is no feeling like that. It is the experience of peace with myself and everybody and everything around me. It is like becoming one.
Science shows, that these techniques are significantly effective, and if practiced regularly, the numerous positive effects on physical and mental health, as well as on the quality of our private and professional relationships and our leadership are sustainable. In short: They make us happy, healthy, humble, and succesful.
If you are curious, what all this is about, and you are interested in finding out, here is our free offer: We teach open drop-in classes, every First Friday of the month, at 6pm German time (CET), starting August 2nd. What you get, is one hour of pure loving kindness and mindful (self-) compassion practices that you can sneak peak silently at no cost other than your time invest, and with no obligation to talk or to share anything if you don’t want to.
Want to attend? Comment below or drop me a message. I will send you the Zoom-link for participation.
We are looking forward to you joining us!
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