Talk a little nicer to yourself today

This one was sent to me by my friend and MSC colleague Dan Berg. I love this piece of art. If you intend to invest only one thing in yourself in 2024, make it KINDNESS. At the end of the year, chances are high that you have been living and leading happier, healthier, and more successfully. Let me explain why.
If we learn to admit to ourselves that what we have to do as leaders is hard, and we do feel insecure sometimes, we treat ourselves in a kind way in the face of challenges. For some of us this is actually a new experience, because we have only learned to be hard on ourselves. This may work in the short term, however, studies show that the more we are tough on ourselves, the more it undermines our self-confidence and increases our insecurity in the long run. We then need ever more energy to pretend to be on top of things. Hence, in the long run it won’t lead to success.
On the other hand, if we are kind to ourselves when we feel bad, if we are compassionate with ourselves, it is like taking care of our inner child. When a child falls down, it usually cries. And what do we do then? Criticize the child for falling down? I hope not.
Instead try and pause for a moment. And comfort the child before you move on. You will be more quickly able to feel good again and stand up and have another try, if you re-parent yourself and others in the face of hardships. This is how healthy learning and development works. Even for grown-ups. Even at work. We are all human.
If you want to learn more about this kind of (self-)leadership and its numerous, evidence-based, positive effects, read my book. It is an investment in yourself and in your people. Wishing you a healthy, happy, and successful 2024.
Lead on & namasté
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